Sam Ball

Sam Ball

Pentecost Reflection & Song

At the start of Acts we see the Apostles do the very first prayer week as they waited for the Holy Spirit to come at Pentecost. In the week leading up to Pentecost, prayer week becomes a time to simply…

What Actually is Sin?

Our society talks a lot about sin but we never dig into what sin actually is. We see adverts on the telly that call cake or ice cream “so good its sinful” and while it might be really yummy and terrible for your body, ice cream or cake on its own isn’t actually sin! So what actually is it...?

1st Century Sin City

The post delves into the significance of the Bible, particularly in relation to the Roman city of Corinth and the book of 1 Corinthians. It emphasizes the importance of understanding the historical and social context of the scripture, as well as how it is relevant to contemporary society. Paul's letter addresses issues of unity, spirituality, and moral conduct within the church.